Florida Spectacular
Take a weekly trip across Florida with authors Cathy Salustri and Rick Kilby and discover a side of Florida you never knew existed. From the scallops in Panhandle bays to the Hemingway cats in Key West, every week's a Florida adventure.
Twice each month, Florida Keys historian Brad Bertelli joins Cathy for premium episodes available to subscribers focused exclusively on the Keys.
Florida Spectacular
Episode 27: Jason Katz 'Islandia Journal'
Send us your Florida questions!
This week The Florida Spectacular welcomes Jason Katz, a South Florida writer who also teaches English and publishes the Islandia Journal in and around the Miami Metropolitan Area. Tune in to hear about the Everglades Griffin, why Miami has more on offer than most people realize, and the work that appears in the Journal.
He also writes for himself – check out his local writing at jasonkatz.info. He's working on a novel, called Foreclosure, set during the housing market crash, and a nonfiction book about Florida Futurism.
Slate podcast we mentioned about Anita Bryant, Florida, and the year 1977: One Year.
Support the podcast! For $5/month, you get premium Florida Keys history and travel tips with Brad Bertelli and Cathy Salustri.
Subscribe to The Florida Spectacular newsletter, and keep up with Cathy's travels at greatfloridaroadtrip.com.
Find her on social media: Facebook.com/SalustriCathy; Twitter/IG: @CathySalustri
Question or comment? Email: cathy@floridaspectacular.com.
Free, weekly episodes of "The Florida Spectacular" are co-hosted by Rick Kilby.
Get Rick's books at rickkilby.com/ and http://studiohourglass.blogspot.com/. Connect: Facebook.com/floridasfountainofyouth, Twitter (@oldfla), and IG (@ricklebee).
Premium, biweekly episodes of "The Florida Keys" Spectacular are co-hosted by Brad Bertelli. Find Brad's column in The Keys Weekly newspaper, ch...