Florida Spectacular
Take a weekly trip across Florida with authors Cathy Salustri and Rick Kilby and discover a side of Florida you never knew existed. From the scallops in Panhandle bays to the Hemingway cats in Key West, every week's a Florida adventure.
Florida Spectacular
Florida Keys Spectacular Episode 16: Sharks vs. Dolphins
Send us your Florida questions!
Brad and Cathy take a look at the state of shark populations in the Keys, explain that the shark's reputation as man-easting beast is undeserved, and why they're a lot better — and nicer — than dolphin.
Links We Mentioned
Brad's post on Facebook about shark finning
Meet the sharks of the Florida Keys
"Why the Author of Jaws Wishes He Never Wrote It"
Nat Geo video of dolphin-on-dolphin violence
Fins, part of the Sharks Incorporated series by Randy Wayne White
Marine biologist on why dolphins are scarier than sharks
Subscribe to The Florida Spectacular newsletter, and keep up with Cathy's travels at greatfloridaroadtrip.com.
Find her on social media: Facebook.com/SalustriCathy; Twitter/IG: @CathySalustri
Question or comment? Email: cathy@floridaspectacular.com.
"The Florida Spectacular" is co-hosted by Rick Kilby.
Get Rick's books at rickkilby.com/ and http://studiohourglass.blogspot.com/. Connect: Facebook.com/floridasfountainofyouth, Twitter (@oldfla), and IG (@ricklebee).